
秉持著『整合亞裔、強化經濟、創造商機』理念,我們不斷求新求變,以期增加讀者視覺及知性生活上的享受。平面的華人工商電話簿(Chinese Consumer Yellow Pages) 和加州彩頁網路資訊電話簿 (California Yellow Pages) 具有消費及生活指南雙重功能,突顯商家品牌形象,陳述多元服務內容,除了加強商家和消費者之間的互動關係外,也提供圖文並茂、豐富實用的多方位生活資訊,讓翻閱電話簿成為新移民拓展視野、學習新知的利器。

華人工商大展 (asian american expo.)創始於1987 年,多年來在國際商業展覽會中已樹立 權威形象,於每年中國農曆春節前在Pomona國際展覧中心舉行, 超過五個展覽大廳, 還有為亞洲食品特設的展示專區, 共有八百個展位,每年吸引數十萬人潮參觀,不少國家代表和不同族裔參與, 在此共襄盛舉歡聚一堂。商家包羅萬象涉及食衣住行娛樂等行业,成爲海外亞裔規模最大的商展。

華人工商大展於2004年被 Los Angeles Business Journal 評選為洛杉磯五大商業展覽活動之一。華人工商大展承續傳統華夏文化薪傳,融合各國文化精髓,展場中七大舞台齊集多元文化。洶湧的人潮以及蓬勃的商機,為美國亞裔工商實力的具體體現,更是海內外企業開拓亞裔市場的最佳途徑。

WWW. CCYP.COM(線上黃頁),線上中文電話簿,希望透過網際網路強大的滲透功能, 為南加州和北加州的消費者及商家提供立即性的情報諮詢以及加值的廣告行銷服務。不論 是商家電話, 加州駕照模擬試題, 美國公民入籍試題,或是任何當地華人的地產, 娛樂及美食資訊都可在我們的網上黃頁搜尋到。最新推出的網路華人工商影音電話簿(California Multimedia Yellow Pages) ,結合現代最具傳播效能的網路行銷,為商家量身訂做符合企業形象及個人風格的影音廣告短片,配合本公司點擊率驚人的搜尋引擎,透過網路的無遠弗屆,創造無限商機。

About CCYP

Funded in 1982, Chinese Overseas Marketing Services Corp (COMSC) is the publisher of the annual Chinese Consumer Yellow Pages, California Yellow Page and Bay Area Yellow Pages; organizer of the annual Asian American Expo and Asia Festival events; and developer of web platforms CCYP.com and CCHP.com. Our Company mission is to facilitate our clients in bridging the gap into the local American consumer markets. COMSC is a fast growing and innovative company that works with clients both large and small- Fortune 500 companies to local mom and pop shops. No matter the business, no matter the project scope; COMSC has been and will always be the leader in local business consumer services.

COMSC first began as a business directory publication business. Up to today it is still famous for its large and comprehensive business directories. Annually, COMSC publishes three business directories just in the state of California; one for the southern California market, one for the northern California market and one for the entire state of California. These books have become a staple of the local Asian family household, and can still be called upon whenever anyone needs to look up a business. Each year, over 100,000 copies of each type of publication is printed and carefully distributed to the local Asian communities.

COMSC is also credited as the development of the CCYP website (www.ccyp.com), to provide users both local and aboard a business directory and lifestyle encyclopedia specifically focused on the local Asian consumer markets. CCYP attracts thousands of visitors daily through its multifaceted information search and its local business database integration platform. CCYP provides a wide variety of resources including multimedia company indices, advertisements, directories, encyclopedias, new immigration guide, entertainment, restaurant information, real estate search and much more. CCYP also offers immediate IT consulting, value added advertising and marketing services to business owners. What once began as a simple extension of COMSC's phone book services to the web has now become a comprehensive and multifaceted one-stop guide to the local market.

CCYP's digital media services are one of the best on-line marketing tools that businesses should not miss. Its well thought out integration of multimedia yellow pages creates effective and highly customized communication solutions to its end users and grants dynamic and unique user experiences. There are six key points to be aware of: (1) Impress customers with video presentation; (2) Provide 24/7 advertisements; (3) Generate sales and services from on-line customers; (4) Allow low cost distribution when compared to daily advertisements on newspapers and telecommunication; (5) Links map and company website to meet customer's needs; (6) Offer business blog, customer news, discussion forums, live-client customer Q&A platform to increase the unique user experiences of CCYP.

Now it the age of the e-generation when the Internet is the most used media source. Internet users pay more attention to content. CCYP dedicates as much effort as possible towards keeping its web content as relevant and up to date as possible. Internet marketing has many benefits including low cost, high exposure, elasticity, interactivity, and active communication. The Internet is the most effective advertising tool compare to television ads, digital video ads and print ads. CCYP also invests in keyword marketing by target specific customer segments to maximize advertising exposure while saving your money. You can search and market the keywords and phrases to effectively deliver your message to users. We emphasize on both overseas and domestic markets, thus with CCYP you can reach audience anytime in anywhere all over the world. By making use of these multi-functional yellow pages, our clients will be able to experience and reap the tremendous business growth from both local and overseas Asian markets.